I Just Cut My Long Straight Hair!

Oh my God!!! Aku sangat takut ketika rambutku yang sangat panjang ini harus dipotong!! Biasanya aku dan temen2ku potong rambut di salon ternama dan menghabiskan Rp100-150rb. Bayangin hanya untuk memotong rambut yang lamanya1-1,5 jam uang segitu harus ludes. Kadang aku berpikir kenapa sih temen2ku mau aja buang2 uang untuk potong rambut semahal itu. Padahal hasilnya sama aja dengan salon yang lebih murah!!!  Aku malah nggak pernah potong rambut sampai mahal gitu. Paling mahal cuman 60 ribu. Itupun aku rasa nggak beda hasilnya dengan salon yang masang harga 30 ribuan. 
Malem ini aku baru aja dari mall, potong rambut. Pertama paradigma temenku mulai merasukiku. ” Kalo nggak mahal hasilnya pasti jelek!” untung pacarku menyadarkan aku kalo potong rambut nggak perlu mahal. Akhirnya kakiku membawaku pada Jonny Andrean salon. Hanya dengan 38 ribu saja rambutku langsung dipotong sebahu ( awalnya sepinggang). AKu langsung berdoa ya Tuhan semoga hasilnya nggak jelek, supaya besok aku bisa

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I hate English!

5 reasons i hate English :

  1. It’s very difficult than Indonesia language. Coz.. English have future, past, and many moore but Indonesia doesn’t have like that! That’s why my English is very bad….
  2. I come from Madura Island ( village ) before move to Surabaya ( big city ) so i have learned English since 1999/2000.
  3.  I have to pass my toefl min 500 to take English 1 in my collage but now my score still 430. Can u help me?
  4. Sometimes i fell bored learn English. I don’t know why?
  5. English so complicated.

So.. please forgive me if i posting my article the English is very bad.. I’m so sorry…

I need your help to get better in English.


Wanna be a superhero?

Sometimes i wanna be a superhero. Why? It’s so simple answer! People don’t care what you do, what your negative things of you. They just care about your action to save somebody and they think they want to be you ( superhero ) too.. Coz.. to be a superhero its’s cool.

So, if you be a superhero which one you will choose?

a. Superman (stronger body)

b. Spiderman (honestly and cute person)

c. Batman ( have some cool stuff)

d. Ghostrider ( I can’t explain)

Give your answer and give me your reasons of the charcter you choose!! I’ll be waiting

Pirates Just Open A New Cafe

In my collage just open a new cafe called Pirates cafe. Hospitality students in  6 smester/degree  serve  Brazilian food. It’s was Delicious!!!Look at that picture very unique menu book. Very interesting. If you wanna try just come to my collage in Surabaya, Indonesia. Petra Christian University. Hurry!


Crispy Chick. Very Yummy!!! You must try!!

Menu Book

That’s a menu book. Very Uniq!


That amazing decoration. Make me want to take a pic my my prenz..

Every month a cafe will be change.