So Proud of Myself!!!

my mom n my father*eating Chinese food at Ta Wa. Love you mom n dad!!!

I’m so satisfied got a job while still on probation for 3 months. If anyone asks me what job…… I wouldn’t not answered  because I have a stalker who really sucks!!! Yesterday, August 31th, 2009  was a special date for me. Why? Because on that date where my first paycheck with my own sweat. Well actually this is not the first paycheck for work professionally.   Previously I had been a private tutor and assistant lecturer with a satisfactory salary at the time I was in college.

me n my bro*  me n bro…

I spontaneously ask my family to eat at Tunjungan Plaza Mall to celebrate my first paycheck. The plan I would treat my father, mother and younger brother while the other brother I would buy them as gifts: Play Dough.

Sleepy face*me n my lovely father.. he so sleepy…

That night I was very proud of myself for being able to buy them with my own money.

greedy girl hgahahahaha*greedy girl…hahahaha.Many people see me with a strange look because they think I not wear shorts!!! ckckckckckck how come?!

16 thoughts on “So Proud of Myself!!!

  1. Annejo says:

    makan di mana tuuuh?
    aku ga ditraktir tah??
    wkkwkwkw kwkkwkkww…

    wah selamat datang di dunia kerja!!!!
    enak kumpul2 duit…apalagi blum married, blum ada kebutuhan…pasti kamu tambah sering shopping2 baju, sepatu, dkk dkk dkk…

    • evelynpy says:

      waduh…sudah cukup belanjanya…sekarang sudah ga beli2 lagi…simpan buat uang nikah saja ^^

      Thx u so much…

      yup….so proud of my self!!!

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